Automates and Organises Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy and Medical Imaging

automatic analysis of the monitor units and beam energy performed with the portable high-energy ck-imager on a cyberknife device
Connected to the QUALIMAGIQ platform, it takes only 2 mouse clicks for the CK-MU module to analyse the DICOM images acquired with the high-energy portable imager CK-IMAGER from QUALIFORMED in the context of the quality control of the Monitor Units and beam energy.
- "Constancy of MU" test: for each image acquired, the software measures the average value of the signal in a central area of the irradiation field.
This measurement can be supplemented by automated analyses relating in particular to:
- The size of the field
- Its penumbra
- Its circularity
- Its homogeneity
- Its symmetry
- "MU Repeatability" test: the software measures on each acquired image, the average value of the signal in a central zone of the irradiation field and compares it between the images, providing its coefficient of variation.
- “MU Proportionality” test: the software measures on each acquired image, the average value of the signal in a central zone of the irradiation field, then calculates the maximum difference between the images, from the ratio of this average signal value and the prescribed number of Monitor Units..
- Beam "Energy Constancy" test (under development): the irradiation field is separated into 2 equal parts, one attenuated by a metal plate (Copper or Aluminium) and the other not attenuated. The software measures on each acquired image, the average value of the signal in the attenuated zone and in the non-attenuated zone then provides the ratio of these 2 measurements.
Necessary measuring equipment: CK-IMAGER from QUALIFORMED, its accessories and test-objets CK-COVER-TRUE, CK-COVER-DUMMY and CK-SLAB-FIDU.
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