Automates and Organises Quality Assurance in Radiation Therapy and Medical Imaging
Automatic analysis of the quality control for the tested treatment table using high energy planar (anterior and lateral) images (2D-MV)

CONNECTED to the qualimagiq platform, it takes the TABLE module only 2 mouse clicks to analyse all of the dicom images of the otp-plan+ phantom acquired as part of verifying the precision of the treatment table.
These automatic analyses consists of:
- Detecting in each 2D-MV planar image, the radiopaque balls included in the OTP-PLAN+.
- Comparing the position of these balls in the image obtained with a table rotation of 0° and a translation of 0 mm, with those obtained at other rotations and translations.
- Compiling these positions to obtain the following results:
• Accuracy of the “tilt”, “roll” and isocentric type rotations of the table;
• Accuracy of lateral, longitudinal and vertical translations of the table;
• Measurements of the verticality of the vertical translation of the table;
• Measurements of the horizontality of the horizontal (lateral and longitudinal) translations of the table.
Less than 30 minutes is all the time you need to perform the entire control: installation of the test object, image acquisition for 15 rotations and translations, analysis, editing of 6 different PDF analysis reports and a trend curve for each tested parameter.
With its version TABLE-6D, this module enables you to optimally fulfil requirements of the French National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) decision dated 28/02/23 regulating the procedures for quality control of external radiation therapy and radiosurgery devices: point 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 of the annex.
The TABLE-4D module is a lightweight version that does not test table rotations.
Associated test object: OTP-PLAN+ from QUALIFORMED
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